On Mon, Apr 3, 2017, at 22:20, Matthew Von-Maszewski wrote:

> Rohit,


> My apologies for the delayed reply.  Too many conflicting demands on
> my time the past two weeks.

> I reviewed the riak-debug package you shared.  I also discussed its
> contents with other Riak developers.

> There does not appear to be anything unexpected.  The anti_entropy
> bloat is due to the bitcask backend not actively communicating TTL
> expirations to AAE.  This is a known issue.  Similarly, bitcask is not
> communicating TTL expirations to solr.  (The leveldb backend recently
> added expiry / TTL.  And it fails the same way in this scenario as
> bitcask.)

> We have engineering designs in the works that will eventually correct
> this situation.  But the designs do not translate to code that you can
> use today.  My apologies.

Hi Matthew,

I've been experiencing the same kind of issues on some application
prototype I'm working on. I tried using leveldb backend (through multi-
backend) with TTL, coupled to Riak Search, and indeed Solr data are
not deleted.

Do you know if there is any ticket to follow ? (I searched for a github
issue but couldn't find any), or any rough ETA on a fix on this ?
Also, are there any best practises about deleting data from KV and
Solr, especially, is search.queue.batch.minimum taken in account when
deleting keys ?




> --> The 100% accurate approach today is to disable bitcask's TTL and
> create external jobs that prune your data via Delete operations.  Yes,
> this is going to create a bunch of extra disk operations.  But I am
> being honest.

> --> You could reduce only the anti_entropy disk usage by changing the
> "anti_entropy" setting in riak.conf from "active" to "passive".  But
> this does nothing for solr.

> Matthew


>> On Mar 22, 2017, at 10:56 AM, Matthew Von-Maszewski
>> <matth...@basho.com> wrote:

>> Rohit,


>> Would you please run “riak-debug” on one server from the command line
>> and send the tar.gz file it creates directly to me.  Do not copy the
>> email list.

>> Notes on its usage are here:
>> http://docs.basho.com/riak/kv/2.2.1/using/cluster-operations/inspecting-node/#riak-debug

>> The resulting debug package will give me and others at Basho a better
>> picture of the problem.  The alternative is a about twenty rounds of
>> “what about this, oh, then what about that”.

>> Thanks,

>> Matthew




>>> On Mar 21, 2017, at 9:53 PM, Rohit Sanbhadti
>>> <sanbhadtiro...@vmware.com> wrote:

>>> Matthew,


>>> To clarify, this happens on all nodes in our cluster (10+ nodes)
>>> although the exact size varies by 10s of GB. I’ve rolling restarted
>>> the cluster the last time this happened (last week) with no
>>> significant change in size, although the output from riak-admin aae-
>>> status and riak-admin search aae-status shows empty after the
>>> restart.

>>> -- 

>>> Rohit S.


>>> On 3/21/17, 5:25 PM, "Matthew Von-Maszewski" <matth...@basho.com>
>>> wrote:

>>>     Rohit,


>>>     If you restart the node does the elevated anti_entropy size
>>>     decline after the restart?

>>>     Matthew



>>>> On Mar 21, 2017, at 8:00 PM, Rohit Sanbhadti
>>>> <sanbhadtiro...@vmware.com> wrote:

>>>> Running Riak 2.2.0 on Ubuntu 16.04.1, we’ve noticed that
>>>> anti_entropy is taking up way too much space on all of our nodes.
>>>> We use multi_backend with mostly bitcask backends (relevant part of
>>>> config pasted below). Has anyone seen this before, or does anyone
>>>> have an idea what might be causing this?

>>>> storage_backend = multi

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_1day.storage_backend = bitcask

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_1day.bitcask.data_root =
>>>> /var/lib/riak/bitcask_1day
>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_1day.bitcask.expiry = 1d

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_1day.bitcask.expiry.grace_time = 1h

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_2day.storage_backend = bitcask

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_2day.bitcask.data_root =
>>>> /var/lib/riak/bitcask_2day
>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_2day.bitcask.expiry = 2d

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_2day.bitcask.expiry.grace_time = 1h

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_4day.storage_backend = bitcask

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_4day.bitcask.data_root =
>>>> /var/lib/riak/bitcask_4day
>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_4day.bitcask.expiry = 4d

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_4day.bitcask.expiry.grace_time = 1h

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_8day.storage_backend = bitcask

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_8day.bitcask.data_root =
>>>> /var/lib/riak/bitcask_8day
>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_8day.bitcask.expiry = 8d

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_8day.bitcask.expiry.grace_time = 1h

>>>> multi_backend.leveldb_mult.storage_backend = leveldb

>>>> multi_backend.leveldb_mult.leveldb.maximum_memory.percent = 30

>>>> multi_backend.leveldb_mult.leveldb.data_root =
>>>> /var/lib/riak/leveldb_mult
>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_mult.storage_backend = bitcask

>>>> multi_backend.bitcask_mult.bitcask.data_root =
>>>> /var/lib/riak/bitcask_mult
>>>> multi_backend.default = leveldb_mult


>>>> $ du –h –d 1 /var/lib/riak


>>>> 4.0K    /var/lib/riak/riak_kv_exchange_fsm

>>>> 52K     /var/lib/riak/generated.configs

>>>> 224K    /var/lib/riak/cluster_meta

>>>> 424K    /var/lib/riak/ring

>>>> 1.1M    /var/lib/riak/kv_vnode

>>>> 2.1M    /var/lib/riak/bitcask_1day

>>>> 3.6M    /var/lib/riak/bitcask_4day

>>>> 33M     /var/lib/riak/yz_temp

>>>> 1.1G    /var/lib/riak/bitcask_2day

>>>> 5.9G    /var/lib/riak/yz_anti_entropy

>>>> 20G     /var/lib/riak/yz

>>>> 24G     /var/lib/riak/leveldb_mult

>>>> 25G     /var/lib/riak/bitcask_mult

>>>> 27G     /var/lib/riak/bitcask_8day

>>>> 139G    /var/lib/riak/anti_entropy

>>>> 240G    /var/lib/riak



>>>> -- 

>>>> Rohit S.


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