On 4 May 2017 at 18:46, Prakash Parmar <prakash.par...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Hi Magnus,
> How I can interpret health statics and decide that whether riak cluster is
> healthy or not ? I have gone through all statistics but not able to
> conclude that which and all I have to use to monitor health of cluster and
> based on what I can give conclusion. For eg. Disk status will give percent
> utilises so I monitor it and if it's >85% I can say it's warning, >95%
> alarm(not healthy) and < 85% is normal.
> Thanks for kind helps,
> Prakash Parmar

Hi Prakash,

Please have a look at the documentation of Riak's stats module [0]. In
addition, as a general rule, Riak's data disk should never get more than
about 80% full (assuming it holds only Riak data), as additional disk space
may be needed when fallback partitions are created when another node is
down. Rather than looking at point in time values as reported by
`riak-admin status` and the HTTP `stats` endpoint, it is often more
valuable to graph the development of the reported statistics over time. Of
particular interest are the GET and PUT times reported (both node and
vnode), as these will show the latencies of the cluster when returning

Kind Regards,



Magnus Kessler
Client Services Engineer
Basho Technologies Limited

Registered Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg 07970431
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