Hi Hugues,

I'm not a specialist in this field but I know that WinFit (Stefan Krum,
institut fur Geologie) is well suited for size and strain determination;
you can download it at :


I can advise you an article : 
Voigt-Function Modeling in Fourier Analysis of Size and Strain Broadened
X-ray Diffraction Peaks. (Davor BALZAR and Hassel LEDBETTER /  J. Appl.
Cryst. (1993). 26, 97-103).

Good luck,

Laboratoire de Science et Genie des Materiaux Metalliques.
Ecole des Mines de Nancy

At 17:46 27/04/99 +0200, you wrote:
>    Dear all,
>    I'm beginning in  diffraction peaks profile analysis and I'm specially
>interested in the problem of strain and size determination from the
>broadening of the peaks. Do you know articles or softwares that could
>help me ?
>    Thanks,
>    Hugues.
>Hugues Libotte
>Physique de la Matière Condensée
>Université de Liège, B5
>B-4000 Sart-Tilman
>Tél.: + 32 4 366 37 47
>Fax.: + 32 4 366 44 29
>   ou + 32 4 366 29 90

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