Brian  wrote:

>Finally, I should mention in response to Armel that at least here at
>NIST, most requests for time are scheduled within 2-8 weeks of when we
>get them (see 

The confirmation of what I suspected : some peoples are
more equal than others !-). Looking at the two quite different
X-ray and neutron communities applying the Rietveld
method, I note that this is mainly the neutron community
that is not preoccupated by improving the positions of the
heavy atoms by using X-ray ;-). Few people are seen 
simultaneously in both lists below (those who would feel 
concerned by a double refinement). X-ray seems inaccessible 
to many neutron experts or at least lacking of any interest, and 
vice  versa. The most productive neutron experts are 3x more
productive than the X-ray experts, probably because the
birth of X-ray Rietveld applications is more recent (~1981
with DBW, possibly). But  it seems to me that Rietveld
adaptation to X-ray was made by X-ray experts, because 
neutron experts did not care a lot about doing it.

Why X-ray users should be interested in the precision on light
atoms when neutron users don't seem to care about heavy 
atoms ?  

Of course this is only kidding and provocative opinion, as
usual. I love both radiations, indeed. However, I tend to think
that a simultaneous refinement could eventually degrade
the heavy atom position accuracy AND degrade the light
atoms accuracy. The former being better from the X-ray only
and the latter from the neutron only, not to speak of the various
problems that hurt me like, for instance :
- the need to refine two sets of cell parameters, inevitably
slightly different if both data are of high resolution.
- not exactly the same temperature
- bulk with neutrons, surface with X-ray

Giving the results of 2 independent refinements seems better 
to me.


==============ICSD data=======================

Authors versus numbers of Neutron Rietveld-refined
structures in ICSD - release 1998/1 
(REM=RVP AND REM=NDP : 3276 entries).
324     Fischer P       
240     Jorgensen J D   
189     Hewat A W       
171     Hinks D G       
125     Dabrowski B     
115     Hitterman R L   
110     Vogt T  
108     Shaked H        
107     Marezio M       
105     Radaelli P G    
103     Weller M T      
101     Rodriguez-Carvajal J

Authors versus numbers of conventional X-ray
Rietveld-refined structures in ICSD - release 1998/1 
(REM=RVP AND REM=XDP : 2557 entries).
122     Kanno R 
107     Takeda Y        
104     Kawamoto Y      
80      Raveau B        
79      Yamamoto O      
76      Takano M        
67      Hawthorne F C   
66      Hervieu M       
59      Michel C        
54      Yamamoto T      
51      Sato M  

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