Dear Arie,
what you mention is a rather common occurrence, which may depend on
(at least) to factors:

a) the presence of a short axis or a dominant zone (making the whole
powder pattern indexable by a 2D reciprocal lattice)

b) sample morphology (say, needles) leading to a partial sampling
of the reciprocal lattice.

The obvious way out from this second problem can be a different
preparation of the sample, changing "texture coefficients", just
aiming to detect the 'missing informative peaks'.

If, instead, the lattice metrics are such that one (short) axis can
barely be identified (for short d's), (as it happens in many fully
aromatic planar organics), you may want to 'constrain' this value
by geometric, database, energetic, etc. considerations.

Even if unobservable at all, the short axis can indeed confidently
estimated by density/volume calculations, etc.

Otherwise, check consistency of the indexing by a Le Bail fit
and step-by-step increase of the short axis (the other two being
fixed at their nominal 'best' values).

Best Regards


At 13.07 04/06/04 +0200, you wrote:
Dear all,
It is generally assumed that a high value of the M20 index gives a
high probability that the solution is correct. I have a particular
problem for which I have a couple of different solutions with M20
between 40 and 100. The problem resides in the fact that the a and c
axes of the monoclinic cell are much larger (both around 20 A) than
the b-axis (3-6A?) The solution depends therefore on the angular
range which is taken for the indexation process. Taking the first 20
reflections with significant intensity gives a 6A b-axis with the 010
reflection as the last one in the list. Taking 5 reflections more,
the length of the b-axis decreases and the 010 remains the last in
the list. And so on. The compound is organic and there is not much
scattering left beyond 2Theta=30degr, giving a total of 31
reflections to be used for the indexation.
How to pick up the right solution between these high M20 solutions?

Thanks in advance, Arie
A. van der Lee
Institut Européen des Membranes (UMR 5635)
Université de Montpellier II - cc 047
Place E. Bataillon
34095 Montpellier Cedex 5

visiting address: 300 Av. Prof. E. Jeanbrau

tél.: 00-33-(0)
FAX.: 00-33-(0)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Norberto Masciocchi, Prof. Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche ed Ambientali, Università dell'Insubria, via Valleggio 11, 22100 Como (Italy) Phone: +39-031-326227; FAX: +39-031-2386119 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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