Dear Arie and others

What you have described is the classic "dominant zone" pathology, which I 
described in 1975 at the Amsterdam Congress and many times subsequently.

The problem (and opportunity) here is that two of the reciprocal lattice 
vectors (let's call them <a> and <b>) and hence the associated three 
constants (a*, b* and gamma*) become very well defined, while the 
remaining vector <c> becomes poorly defined and in an extreme case may 
not be sampled at all in the first 20 (or 30, etc.) observed lines.

That makes a figure of merit like M20 completely useless for ranking 
trial solutions, since the first 20 lines may all belong to hk0 and so 
can be explained using just the three 2-dimensional dominant-zone 
parameters (a*, b*, gamma*, or whatever you have chosen to call them).

The same will be true for F(N) [where often N=30], if the zone is a bit 
more dominant and all or nearly all the first 30 lines belong to hk0.

Actually it is sufficient for 19 of the first 20 to belong to hk0 for 
alpha* and beta* to become completely indeterminate.

But note that I've described this situation as not just a problem but 
also an opportunity.

That's because the more dominant the hk0 zone, the more confidence we 
have that we know its three parameters, reducing the general triclinic 
indexing solution space from 6 to just 3 dimensions.

The SIW (i.e. Shirley-Ishida-Watanabe) dominant-zone heuristic then 
allows us to assign any one of the lower-angle unindexed hk1 lines 
arbitrarily to be 001.  We've thus determined a 4-parameter "basis set" 
[a*,b*,c*,gamma*] and reduced the unknown parameters to just 2 - the 
remaining two angles alpha* and beta*.

There are several indexing programs specialised for this 2-dimensional 
search of alpha* and beta*, all of them available within Crysfire:  LZON, 
LOSH and Mmap (and in the Crysfire 2003 beta release, also Hmap).

Note that you *must* extend your search dataset to sufficiently high 
2Theta to include enough hk1 lines (8-10 for example) for this process to 
work.  That may mean including 30-40 lines.

Unfortunately the summary file entries for LZON and LOSH currently still 
report only M20, so are not as helpful as they should be in these cases 
if the hk0 lines have been included.  This does affect Mmap and Hmap, 
which report their FoM for as many lines as were actually used.

Note too that in such searches which rely on mid-angle lines, you will be 
getting into quite delicate territory within solution space, where it 
becomes very important to reduce uncorrected 2Theta-zero or specimen-
displacement errors to a minimum, if the search is to remain stable.

A trick worth remembering is that, once the numerous low-angle hk0 lines 
have been used to determine the basis set, they do not contribute any 
further information in the search for alpha* and beta*, so can then be 
omitted.  This may well give a much sharper and more informative signal, 
and also allows "M20" (for the first 20 lines in your search dataset 
rather than the full pattern) to be used once more as a criterion.

There are many tools in Crysfire to assist with such cases, including 
selecting index bounds for calc hkl so as to exclude e.g. l=0, etc.

It's also worth remembering that, as Armel has suggested, it may well be 
possible to solve your structure in projection from the dominant zone 
reflections alone, since by definition, the structure must be 
approximately planar and so well resolved in projection down the short c-
axis (or whatever you've called it).

However, notwithstanding Peter Stephens' advice, don't count on your 
specimen being monoclinic and projected down a short b-axis except in 
special cases.  The resulting 90-degree alpha and gamma angles would 
force the packing to place bumps opposite bumps and hollows opposite 
hollows, which doesn't make for good space-filling.

Instead, expect your sample to be triclinic with angles to the short axis 
that are sufficiently oblique to slide along the next layer of molecules 
so that bumps are recessed into hollows, so that the structure packs 

But if it *isn't* triclinic, you may find that there's actually a glide-
plane in the dominant zone, so that one or more of its cell sides needs 
to be doubled to account for general hkl reflections (it can become very 
frustrating to try to index such a pattern without realising this!).

Also it's possible to have pseudo-symmetry.  One insidious form this can 
take is for even "dominant-zone" levels hk0, hk2, etc., to be 
systematically strong while the odd ones, particularly hk1, are 
systematically weak.

In other words, the "short" c axis might really be doubled and thus the 
hk0 zone actually as dominant as it looked.  This should be visible with 
a single-crystal but might well not be so easy to see in a powder pattern 
(especially if its quality is poor, which one often finds in such cases).

The bottom line is that for a *pure* and *well-calibrated* sample with 
*high-resolution* measurements and *no pseudo-symmetry*, someone who uses 
these more specialised programs (they're all in Crysfire and documented 
in its user guide) can usually solve dominant zone cases.

Good luck.

Robin Shirley

P.S.  Watch for further developments and new software for indexing these 
and other pathological cases, to be discussed this summer at ECM in 
Budapest and EPDIC in Prague (assuming that the new stuff has reached a 
demonstrable state by then...).

On 4 Jun 2004 at 13:07, A. van der Lee wrote:

Dear all,
It is generally assumed that a high value of the M20 index gives a 
high probability that the solution is correct. I have a particular 
problem for which I have a couple of different solutions with M20 
between 40 and 100. The problem resides in the fact that the a and c axes
of the monoclinic cell are much larger (both around 20 A) than the b-axis
(3-6A?) The solution depends therefore on the angular range which is 
for the indexation process. Taking the first 20 reflections with
significant intensity gives a 6A b-axis with the 010 reflection as the
last one in the list. Taking 5 reflections more, the length of the b-axis
decreases and the 010 remains the last in the list. And so on. The
compound is organic and there is not much scattering left beyond
2Theta=30degr, giving a total of 31 reflections to be used for the
indexation. How to pick up the right solution between these high M20

Thanks in advance, Arie            
A. van der Lee
Institut Européen des Membranes (UMR 5635)
Université de Montpellier II - cc 047
Place E. Bataillon
34095 Montpellier Cedex 5

visiting address: 300 Av. Prof. E. Jeanbrau

tél.: 00-33-(0)
FAX.: 00-33-(0)

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