>I couldn't read the attached file as it appears with strange signs in Notepad.

Sigh. Only a few days ago I advised people NOT to open or send attachments...

Did people receive an attached file that really contained a virus ? If so, I would 
like to know, since it should not happen (en principe :-)

I received the fake message but the attached file had been removed either by the ILL 
listserver, which is supposed to remove files containing known viruses, or else by my 
personal virus checker.

BTW, although the message was "signed" by "The ILL team", it clearly did not come from 
ILL but from a member of the Rietveld list whose address was forged by some-one else. 
We recently made it difficult (impossible?) to forge ILL addresses in messages to the 
Rietveld list, but not other addresses, nor ILL addresses in other email over which we 
have no control.

We stop most SPAM on the Rietveld list, but we can't stop it all, unless all messages 
are moderated by myself, which I understand people would not want :-)


Dr Alan W. Hewat, Diffraction Group Leader.
Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156X Grenoble FRANCE 38042
fax (33) tel (33) (or .26 Mme Guillermet) 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://www.ill.fr/dif/AlanHewat.htm

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