Hiya all
I seem to be unfortunate in my choice of materials.  I've been looking at the bond lengths and bond valence for some battery materials that contain some transition metals in low spin states.  From what I understand, all of the bond valence coefficients that I have are for high spin states.  Does anyone know of any source for low spin TM-O bond valence coefficients?

Dr Pamela Whitfield CChem MRSC
Energy Materials Group
Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology
Building M12
National Research Council Canada
1200 Montreal Road
Ottawa  ON   K1A 0R6
Tel: (613) 998 8462         Fax: (613) 991 2384
Email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICPET WWW: http://icpet-itpce.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca


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