
>>Why "dissident" Armel ?

>I am an adept of the open access to the knowledge,
>your religion looks different.


>from http://www.dictionary.com:
>Disagreeing, as in opinion or belief.
>\Dis"si*dent\, a. [L. dissidens, -entis, p. pr. of dissidere to sit apart,
>to disagree; dis- + sedere to sit: cf. F. dissident. See
><http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=sit>Sit.] No agreeing;
>dissenting; discordant; different
>Our life and manners be dissident from theirs. --Robynson (More's Utopia).

>\Dis"si*dent\, n. (Eccl.) One who disagrees or dissents; one who separates
>from the established religion.

>The dissident, habituated and taught to think of his dissidenc? as a
>laudable and necessary opposition to ecclesiastical usurpation. --I.

Sorry, but I think there is here a mal interpretation (is correct that in
English?) of the dictionary. I don't think that the people in SDPD list are
thinking the powder diffraction differently than the people in the Rietveld
list. Or, if there are differences on some particular subject from one
member to other, this can happen also inside the same chat list. An
alternative, a diversification, does not mean automatically a disidence. Let
us not blurred a word very dear to people like me, rising and living most of
the life in a dictatorial regime.

Nicolae Popa

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