> 8. The simple modified TCH model ("triple-Voigt"), used in most major
> Rietveld programs these days, is surprisingly flexible. It works well
> for most of the samples ("super-Lorentzian" is an example when it
> fails, as well as many others, but this is less frequent that
> onewould expect) and gives some "numbers" for coherent domain size
> and strain. If we are lucky to know more about the sample (for
> instance, the information is available that a lognormal size
> distribution, certain type of dislocations, etc., is most likely to
> be prevalent for majority of grains in 
> the sample), those "numbers" will let us calculate real numbers that
> relate to the real physical parameters (say, the first moment and
> dispersion of the size distribution, etc.) in many cases, as
> discussed here previously.

Good conclusion, but before deriving real numbers that relate to the
real physical parameters one needs first to calibrate the
pseudo-Voigt-based calculation of those "numbers" (Dv and Da, or
<L_volume> and <L_area> in other notations)using at least simulated
profiles for VARIOUS dispersions.
I hope that the round robin on simulated data will be translated into
reality soon.


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