Dear all,


I have a puzzle here.  I have been learning GSAS for a while but still at a relatively low level.  I am trying to calculate % of glass phase in a plasma sprayed alumina coating (eta alumina, ISCD #39104, space group Fd-3M, 227).  The structure is copy-pasted as below:



Atom    #          OX        SITE      x           y             z           SOF            H        ITF(B)   

 O         1          -2         32 e     0.37        0.37        0.37        1.               0              3.

 Al        1           +3        8 a       0.25        0.25        0.25        0.503         0              3.

 Al        2           +3        48 f      0.25        0             0            0.083         0              3.

 Al        3           +3       16 d      0.625      0.625       0.625      0.564         0              3.

 Al        4           +3       16 c      0.125     0.125        0.125       0.27          0              3.



However, when this CIF file is imported into GSAS (using EXPGUI), EXPGUI shows the following corresponding multiplicity







and GSAS-simulated XRD pattern is much different from the one generated from ICSD.  Please help on this mismatch between ICSD and GSAS-EXPGUI. 



Many thanks in advance



Donald Wang

University of Connecticut


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