I was actually not questioning the pricing policy of the PDF database, sorry for the confusion! What I was questioning was whether it would be a valid option to have that single desktop computer with the PDF database (paid by me for my research group), which is in my students' office and used by my students for their data analysis, could be legally running a Crystallographica student license! So, I am looking forward to Alex' answer (and will be glad to share his answer with anybody who might be interested, too).


At 08:08 PM 2/22/2007 +0100, Alan Hewat wrote:
Cora, I have passed your question on to Alex Renshaw. But I don't want to
get into a debate on the pricing policy of the PDF database just yet :-)

Cora Lind said:
>>BTW, thanks to Alex Renshaw I have been playing with Crystallographica's
>>CSM search-match application,
>>http://www.crystallographica.co.uk/searchmatch/ which generates a powder
>>pattern "instantly" when you click on any structure in a long Powder
>>Diffraction File list, and compares it with any other - very nice.
> Nice link Alan! It certainly looks like something I'd like to check out...
> Now, I must say: Interesting pricing policy! I think this is the first
> piece of software I've come across that is related to the PDF database and
> search/match programs offering a "student license". I doubt that there are
> many students who own a personal copy of the PDF database, given that i is
> not quite what you'd call cheap. So, does anybody have any experience with
> such a setup? Can a student order a student license for Crystallographica
> to use with his/her advisor's database? What's the requirement for
> qualifying for such a student license - that it is installed on a student
> computer? And can the student then use it for doing search/match on
> research that was of course originally assigned by a professor? Can a
> professor sit down with a student who is using the program and teach them
> some necessary background knowledge without paying the 10x higher
> "academic user" price?
> I like the idea of offering student pricing on software, but am not sure
> where to draw the line between a valid student license and the requirement
> of an academic license, as the license would need to be installed on the
> group's student computer that runs the PDF database (and not a personal
> student laptop, which is where something like and Endnote student license
> would end up).
> Cora
> *******************************************
> Dr. Cora Lind
> WO 2262
> Department of Chemistry, MS 602
> University of Toledo
> Toledo, OH 43606-3390
> *******************************************
Dr Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>fax+33.476.20.76.48
+33.476.20.72.13 (.26 Mme Guillermet) http://www.ill.fr/dif/people/hewat/

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