Hi all,

I have a quick question about the Linux version of Fullprof which I am hoping 
one of you will be able to help me with. 

I have the
64 bit version of Ubuntu  installed on my computer and just tried to
updated Fullprof to the latest version (using
Fullprof_suite_Feb07.tgz). Everything appears to have gone ok, however
when I try to run Winplotr_2006 I get the following error:

./winplotr_2006: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.3: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory

also tried downloading the latest stand alone version of Winplotr_2006
from the website, but still have the same problem.  I also get the same
error message when i use lineplotr. From the looks of the error message
it appears that I am missing a software package, however being a newbie
at Linux I have no idea which one it might be. 

Although it has been a while since I last used the program I
don't recall having this problem with the previous version of the
Fullprof suite (which I believe was from Nov05). 

the Fullprof program itself seems to run without a problem. 

Any thoughts and/or suggestions to rectify this problem will be greatly 

Thanks in advance for your help.


Joost van Duijn

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