
try the font Arial Overlined, but make sure to install it on any computer you use. I once gave a talk with the title "1 bar", written in Arial Overlined. Of course, the computer in the lecture hall did not have that font, which turned the title into "1". Not very clever, if you want to give a talk on inversion symmetry, ...


Holger Kohlmann
Fachrichtung 8.1 - Chemie
Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie und Radiochemie
Postfach 151150
66041 Saarbruecken
(Lieferadresse: Gebäude C4.1, 66123 Saarbrücken)
tel.: [+49] (681) 302 3378
fax [+49] (681) 302 4233

Quoting "Brian H. Toby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I have heard that there are several ways to create a 3 with an over-bar
symbol (as would be used for space group R -3 c, for example) in
Micro$oft Word, but none are convenient.  I know how to do this with
the equation editor. Can anyone contribute any better choices?


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