The /Latin American Seminary of Analysis by X-Ray Techniques/ (SARX) is an international meeting held in South America countries and assembles researchers to promote the exchange of experiences in research and technology developments by X-ray techniques. Since 1997, SARX has been taken place in many countries all over the Latin America with many researchers from several parts of the world.

The Seminary is held every two years and the next one will be in 2008, in Brazil. SARX 2008 will be organized by the Nuclear Instrumentation Laboratory at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. It will be held in Cabo Frio, RJ - Brazil at **Malibu Palace Hotel <http://www.malibupalace.com.br/>**.*

*The Organizing Committee of the SARX 2008 is pleased to invite you to participate in the event and become part of our group.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        SARX 2008 - Abstract Submission
Date:   Thu, 21 Feb 2008 18:15:45 -0300
To:     undisclosed-recipients:;

Dear Colleagues

We would like to remind you that the registration and abstract submission is open at the Seminary website (www.lin.ufrj.br/sarx2008 <http://www.lin.ufrj.br/sarx2008>)

We kindly encourage you to submit an abstract in English until April 6th, 2008, using the template available at Seminary website.

Best Regards,

The Organizing Committee of SARX 2008.

The Organizing Committee of SARX 2008
Nuclear Instrumentation Laboratory - COPPE - UFRJ
P.O.Box.: 68.509 Zip:21941-972
Av Horacio Macedo 2030, bloco G, sala 206 - Cidade Universitária, zip:21941-
914, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Tel:  55 21 25627311
Fax: 55 21 25628444
www.lin.ufrj.br <http://www.lin.ufrj.br/>/sarx2008

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