I am re-learning GSAS to bring Rietveld to my department (for the first
time). We have an old Phillips Xpert. 


I am trying to refine a quartz standard to acquire my profile and instrument
parameters for this instrument and have yet to get my Chi^2 below 500. The
instrument is not in my direct control. I have caught and asked them to
correct a few problems already (dwell time too low, aluminum sneaking into
the beam, etc...) and this has helped. I would like not to annoy them any
more than I have too. 


At this point I think my high Chi^2s are mainly due to low angle asymmetric
peaks that my fit is not able to copy - the asym is not terrible but may be
messing me up. I am getting better results with peak profile functions 3 and
4, but unable to get Chi^2 below 500. My scans go up to 70 degrees 2theta.


I would like to tell the people caring for the instrument that my problem is
on their end, but I am not confident in my own refining skills to say this.
When I work with the tutorials or standard data from my graduate school
experiment I am ok - I think I am proceeding in a reasonable way, although I
can get stuck here and there. 


I would like to find out if I am doing something incorrectly or if the
problem is instrument related. I hate to bug one of you but wonder if I
could get someone to look at my work?? Is there a better forum for asking
for this kind of help? 


Kindest regards to all of you,








* * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Blaise Mibeck 

Research Scientist

Energy & Environmental Research Center

University of North Dakota

15 North 23rd Street, Stop 9018

Grand Forks, ND 58202-9018


Phone: (701) 777-5077





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