Dear Rietvelders....

What is the most complete and authoritative source for issues such as
profile function definitions, what is their scientific basis, and when
are they appropriate to use, etc.?  I am guessing there is not
one-stop-shop solution (Young's book? GSAS manual? Rietveld list
archive?) but advice on this would be helpful.

I wonder if we should, as a community, put some of this stuff on
wikipedia, or another such place.  In other words, distill the
community's collective knowledge in a single place that can be updated
in the future, and also curated for correctness also by the community.
What are people's thoughts on this?  Rietveldipedia?


2009/3/20 May, Frank <>:
> Back to basics and First Principles....
> As Alan says, the [use of the Cagliotti function is appropriate for the 
> neutron case], "but not really for X-ray and other geometries."
> My recollection is the Cagliotti function was adapted to the x-ray case when 
> we had low resolution x-ray instruments and slow (or no) computers.  Now that 
> we have high resolution instruments and fast computers, why does this 
> inappropriate function continue to be used?
> On another note, the world is venturing into the infinitely small realm of 
> "nano-particles."  The classical rules for crystallography work very well for 
> ordered structures in the macro-world (particles of the order of 
> micron-sizes).  However, as the particles become smaller, does one not need 
> to address the contribution of the "surface" of the particles?  The volume of 
> the "surface" becomes much greater relative to the volume of the "bulk" of 
> the crystal.  Models today account for "stress" and "strain" in the 
> macro-world.  As the relative fraction of the "bulk" becomes smaller, both 
> the physical structure as well as the mathematics used to describe the bulk 
> suffer from termination-of-series effect, do they not?  Does any of this make 
> sense?  Any thoughts?
> Frank May
> St. Louis, Missouri  U.S.A.
> ________________________________
> From: Alan Hewat []
> Sent: Fri 3/20/2009 2:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: UVW - how to avoid negative widths?
> said:
>> From what I've read of Cagliotti's paper, the V term should always be
>> negative; or am I reading it wrong?
> That's right. If
> FWHM^2 = U.tan^2(T) + V.tan(T) + W
> then the W term is just the Full Width at Half-Maximum (FWHM) squared at
> zero scattering angle (2T). FWHM^2 is then assumed to decrease linearly
> with tan(T) so V is necessarily negative, but at higher angles a quadratic
> term (+ve W) produces a rapid increase with tan^2(T).
> Cagliotti's formula assumes a minimum in FWHM^2, but if that minimum is
> not well defined, U,V,W will be highly correlated and refinement may even
> give negative FWHM. In that case you can reasonably constrain V by
> assuming the minimum is at a certain angle 2Tm, which may be close to the
> monochromator angle for some geometries. So setting the differential of
> Cagliotti's equation with respect to tan(T) to zero at that minimum gives:
> 2U.tan(T) + V =0   at T=Tm   or   V = -2U.tan(Tm)
> this approximate constraint removes the correlation and allows refinement.
> Cagliotti's formula simply describes the purely geometrical divergence of
> a collimated white neutron beam hitting a monochromator, passing through a
> second collimator, then scattered by a powder sample into a collimated
> detector. It takes no account of other geometrical effects (eg vertical
> divergence) or sample line broadening etc. This geometry is appropriate
> for classical neutron powder diffractometers, but not really for X-ray and
> other geometries. Still, such a quadratic expression with a well defined
> minimum in FWHM, may be a good first approximation in many other cases,
> requiring only a few parameters, hence its success. There are many more
> ambitious descriptions of FWHM for various scattering geometries and
> sample line broadening, usually allowing more parameters to be refined to
> produce lower R-factors :-)
> Alan
> ______________________________________________
> Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
> <> +33.476.98.41.68
> ______________________________________________

Prof. Simon Billinge
Applied Physics & Applied Mathematics
Columbia University
500 West 120th Street
Room 200 Mudd, MC 4701
New York, NY 10027
Tel: (212)-854-2918 (o) 851-7428 (lab)

Condensed Matter and Materials Science
Brookhaven National Laboratory
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, NY 11973-5000

email: sb2896 at columbia dot edu

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