
installing FullProf_Suite_Oct09 under Linux (Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala) along the lines given on the FullProf Homepage seemed to work fine, "echo $FULLPROF" gives the right directory. Starting FullProf, however, with "tfp" as a command in the shell results in "Killed" as a response. The same happens for any other of the programs which comes with FullProf. Being a complete newbie with Linux I have no idea what is going on.

Any ideas?

Best regards

Holger Kohlmann
Universität des Saarlandes
Fachrichtung 8.1
Anorganische Festkörperchemie
Am Markt, Zeile 3
66125 Saarbrücken
tel.: [+49] (681) 302 70661
fax [+49] (681) 302 70652

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