On 2015-05-10 17:36, Alan Hewat wrote:
Jon... nicely illustrated... by posting an interesting link...

Thanks! Obviously I think these serial methods are a fantastic opportunity for this community. An IUCrJ commentary by me is here:

"Serial crystallography for the masses": http://journals.iucr.org/m/issues/2015/01/00/hi0136/index.html

...which is all about a paper showing that unbelievably weak and noisy data can be merged into a 3D dataset.

An open question is: will the new community of people developing these 3D methods ever show up on this list? In principle Rietveld methods and powder experts should have a lot to offer, but until now it seems to be mostly protein crystallographers who are getting the beamtime at the FEL.

Would "point-by-point" Rietveld refinement extend to scaling and fitting all the snapshots? The profile function comes in as where you think each intensity was on the rocking curve.

Actually I think Jon was being a little snarky himself. ...

Not entirely*, if I wanted to 'wind you up' I'd have linked something from electron microscopy :-) This one just came out:


Obviously powder diffraction has a rich and exciting future, especially when it is used as an imaging method. Google finds this one for Rietveld tomography:

J. Appl. Cryst. (2011). 44, 1111-1119 [ doi:10.1107/S0021889811024423 ] "Hard X-ray diffraction scanning tomography with sub-micrometre spatial resolution: application to an annealed [gamma]-U0.85Mo0.15 particle" H. Palancher, R. Tucoulou, P. Bleuet, A. Bonnin, E. Welcomme and P. Cloetens

There are always exciting future directions. Doubtless others will respond with what is new and exciting with neutrons and PDF's, etc. (yes, that is a challenge).

Choosing to single out individual publications for public abuse on a mailing list is a bit of a shame. If you write a "comment on" the authors get a fair chance to respond (and privately tear you apart if you're wrong). If your comment survives then future readers of the paper will be informed, which does not happen when something is posted here. Highlighting things which _are_ worth reading is something I always appreciated from Armel's contributions to the list over the years.

All the best,


* http://www.buzzfeed.com/lukelewis/what-british-people-say-versus-what-they-mean

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