My personal feelings are that regardless of the origin of the idea, Hugo did 
the work that made crystallographic full pattern fitting possible. That 
implementation was not just a “programming task” as the minimal capabilities of 
computers of the day required significant innovation for memory and 
computational efficiency. The reasons why “Rietveld Analysis” is my preferred 
name for this technique are spelled out in chapter 4.7 of Volume H of the 
International Tables and I will not repeat them here, but I also like to draw 
additional attention to his minimally-credited method for intensity extraction, 
which was later cleverly extended into the LeBail technique. His solo 1967 
paper outlined the groundwork needed to fit all peaks in a pattern.

I was not active in the days when this work was done, and only spoke with Hugo 
twice, though we also exchanged a few e-mails, but I did have the chance to 
speak with many people who were active in CW neutron diffraction in those days. 
All were very supportive of the name "Rietveld Analysis”; none ever commented 
about to giving too much credit to Hugo. Those people included Ted Prince, who 
himself proved the statistical superiority of Rietveld Analysis over other 

One minor update on what is below. Hugo’s original code, as published solo in 
1969, was written in Algol, but to make the technique more accessible, he 
rewrote his program in Fortran and he circulated that widely (unpublished). 
After Alan, his Fortran code went through many hands (including mine) with new 
features added from each; this is also discussed in ITH 4.7. However, GSAS was 
an all-new program in its day and did not use any of Hugo’s code.


On Aug 17, 2023, at 2:28 PM, Alan W Hewat <> wrote:

Concerning the code, many, including the first versions of GSAS (and FullProf?) 
were based on the original Rietveld code that I 
 at Harwell in 1972 and distributed at ILL

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