I'm interested in working on the code hyperlinking and syntax highlighting. I'll start experimenting with that after my return from JavaPolis.

On 11 Dec 2005, at 10:05, Emmanuel Okyere wrote:

I noticed that there are 4 of us currently (Pierre Raoul, Geert Bevin,
Oliver Dohmen and I) who have shown interest in helping build the RIFE
eclipse plugin. I was wondering if folk would like to start
discussions/code towards this.

I had taken a look at the ant plugin to get a few ideas, but thinking
about it more, i think the wst carves a good place for us to start.
Thoughts? Anyone with any experience building an eclipse plugin?

-- eokyere
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Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
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gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03

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