Hi Tyler.

   Thank you a lot! Hope it will help.

Вы писали 26 апреля 2006 г., 18:19:56:

> Sure can, just add this (could be a singleton if you're going to use
> it on a lot of elements):

>                 public TemplateFactory getLaszloFactory(){
>                         return new TemplateFactory(
> ResourceFinderClasspath.getInstance(), "lzx",
>                                         TemplateFactory.CONFIGS_XML, 
> "application/xml", ".lzx",
>                                         new String[] { 
> ValidationBuilder.TAG_ERRORS,
> ValidationBuilder.TAG_ERRORMESSAGE,
> TemplateFactory.TAG_LANG,
> TemplateFactory.TAG_OGNL_CONFIG,
> TemplateFactory.TAG_OGNL,
> TemplateFactory.TAG_GROOVY_CONFIG,
> TemplateFactory.TAG_GROOVY,
> TemplateFactory.TAG_JANINO_CONFIG,
> TemplateFactory.TAG_JANINO }, new String[] {
> ValidationBuilder.TAG_MARK,
> ValidationBuilder.TAG_ERRORS,
> TemplateFactory.TAG_CONFIG, TemplateFactory.TAG_L10N,
> TemplateFactory.TAG_RENDER }, BeanHandlerXml
>                                                         .getInstance(),
> EncoderXml.getInstance(), null);                
>                 }                                               

> Then use it with:

> TemplateFactory templateFactory =  getLaszloFactory();
> templateFactory.get("your.path.laszlofile");

> or

> getLaszloFactory().get("your.path.laszlofile");

> Hopefully that's easy enough.

> Cheers,
>   Tyler

С уважением,
 Alexey                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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