Hi Frederic,

There's not really a need to leave this space between submissions because the order of submissions doesn't matter at all. Nothing in RIFE is related to the fact that one submission comes before the other or vice versa.

Best regards,


On 04 Jul 2006, at 12:55, Frederic Daoud wrote:

So, it still feels to me that the positioning scheme I proposed is
the best solution.

What do you think?

Honestly, it's hard to predict any issues there could be in practice.
The solution has to be on the road for a while first. But, like you said, there is no duplication of information, Should be pretty simple to number
your submission N and its parameters N.1, N.2, etc.

My biggest issue was renumbering, but with your proposed scheme it shouldn't
be a problem. Like you said, if you have a submission N and parameters
N.1 thru N.10, and you need to insert an extra parameter between 5 and 6,
you could just number it N.5.1 and leave the others untouched.

So yes, probably that's the best solution..

Would you still have to leave "space" between submissions? For example, you if you have submissions 1 and 2, with parameters 1.1, 1.2, etc. and 2.1, 2.2, etc., and you need to insert a new submission and its parameters
between 1 and 2?


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