Fred Baube-2 wrote:
> Is anyone else tinkering with JBI ?  I'm considering integrating
> it with my Rife app to get both web services and good external
> multiprotocol connectivity. 
> Apache ServiceMix is an (AFICT) nice open source implementation of 
> the JBI ESB (Enterprise Service Bus).  The internal architecture is 
> message-based, for loose coupling among components.  
> The internal message bus handles normalised XML messages, thus the ESB 
> is also known as a "Normalized Message Router".  "Service Units" plug 
> into this bus to provide services, and "Binding Connectors" plug into 
> the bus to do message and protocol translation to external connections. 
> There are some shortcuts provided so that you can put thin wrappers 
> around POJOs and then use them as Service Units. 
> AFAICT it's a short, effective path to getting web services up and 
> running.  Plus there's BCs for email, http (incl. an http invoker), 
> ftp, jms,jca, rss, jabber, file systems, saaj, and more. 

This is a good assessment, Fred. If you have any questions about ServiceMix,
please let us know. I'm a committer on ServiceMix and we can help answer any
questions if necessary. Just hop on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list. 

Bruce Snyder 
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