Is anyone else tinkering with JBI ?  I'm considering integrating
it with my Rife app to get both web services and good external
multiprotocol connectivity. 

Apache ServiceMix is an (AFICT) nice open source implementation of 
the JBI ESB (Enterprise Service Bus).  The internal architecture is 
message-based, for loose coupling among components.  

The internal message bus handles normalised XML messages, thus the ESB 
is also known as a "Normalized Message Router".  "Service Units" plug 
into this bus to provide services, and "Binding Connectors" plug into 
the bus to do message and protocol translation to external connections. 

There are some shortcuts provided so that you can put thin wrappers 
around POJOs and then use them as Service Units. 

AFAICT it's a short, effective path to getting web services up and 
running.  Plus there's BCs for email, http (incl. an http invoker), 
ftp, jms,jca, rss, jabber, file systems, saaj, and more. 


F.Baube                *  
Georgetown/MSFS/1988   *  Think pangalactically.   *  Act locally.
 gsm  +358 41 536 8192 *  
 wmd   60°11'10.8"N 24°57'36.9"E
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