Well, I got a calendar element which shows a calendar table and some back- and forwardbuttons. Maybe I can componentize it ? I'm still very much learning the framework though.


Tyler Pitchford wrote:
I'm seeking users interested in helping me build the RIFE/Component
layer. I believe it's one of the best ways to help get RIFE adopted
and with 1.5's release I believe the code we need to make components
has been integrated into the core (Geert can you verify this?). I see
many new / evaluating users asking "where's the link object" or how do
I add a "datagrid." As most RIFE user's know we build Embedded
Element, but wrapping those elements in Link, Image, Form, etc.
objects could help pickup adoption for this amazing framework. After
I've finished the AJAX framework (hopefully within 2 week --got a few
other projects to finish before I can get to it) I plan on moving to
the Component layer. If anyone is interested please respond to this

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