Hi Steven,

MySQL is the only database that behaves like this I think, and it's very frustrating. If you Google for the errors, you'll see that a lot of connection pools have problems with it. Steven, would it be possible for you to change your scheduler task and simply clean the connection pool instead. This should only be one or two lines of code. I don't have any application running with MySQL, so it's difficult for me to test if this fix actually behaves correctly.

Thanks for the help!


On 28 Sep 2006, at 18:33, Steven Grimm wrote:

Postgres and Oracle, at least, don't close client connections. Maybe they can be configured to do so, but by default they don't. The onus is on the clients to be well-behaved. Honestly I think the only reason MySQL closes connections by default is because it's the non-Windows database of choice for people who have no clue how to write a robust database app and would thus otherwise leak connections to the server. Not to say that all MySQL users are that way, of course -- I'm using it on some of my stuff! -- just that many such users end up using MySQL and its defaults are aimed at protecting them from themselves.

Geert, I can check in my code if you want, but I thought what I was doing wasn't your preferred way of solving the problem. I'm just doing a dummy SQL query ("select 1") once a minute, not doing anything with clearing the pools. Your way sounds better but I haven't had a chance to do it.


Joshua Hansen wrote:
Hi Geert (et al),

Does anyone know offhand how other DBs & drivers handle this situation?

Keeping stale connections to a minimum is desirable, so a timeout mechanism such as MySQL provides seems like an intuitive way to address this.

Why don't other DBs & drivers (i.e., Postgres) have this problem -- how do they solve this?

Joshua Hansen
Up Bear Enterprises
(541) 760-7685

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