Hi Jeremy,

it's very difficult to answer this because RIFE has no 'managed beans'. I think you're getting confused with EJB or JSF.

Best regards,


On 08 Dec 2006, at 01:00, Jeremy Whitlock wrote:

Hi All,
I have a few questions about the "managed beans" I've read about but do not really see any direct documentation about:

1. What are managed beans? How does one create a managed bean? (I've seen " http://rifers.org/wiki/display/RIFE/Creating+tables"; but is there anything more directly related to managed beans?) 2. I see managed beans can be used to persist data to a database but how? 3. Can managed beans be used to persist data to non-database data stores like XML, LDAP and such?
4.  Can managed beans be used to store form data for a template page?

That is it for now.  Thanks for your help.

Take care,

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Geert Bevin
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