Hi Joshua,

currently there is no extension mechanism for this, but I'm willing to look into any proposals since this rigidness has always troubled me. With the enum mechanism that we use in RIFE, you can add any other MimeType but the constructor is currently too closed down, maybe it should just be made public. This means that you would be able to add new MimeTypes.

One thing that you have to realize though, is that MimeType entries specify how they they are validated and formatted, they don't however indicate where they need to be stored. This is a tricky thing to solve since the content storage back-ends are abstracted away and currently detect directly on the MimeType enum elements (they provide a collection of MimeTypes that they're able to handle). When you add your custom MimeTypes, those storage backe-end wouldn't be able to handle them though. This is sadly currently hardcoded in the constructor of the DatabaseContent class and ideally it should be opened up. Doing this, you could add your own content store (that could extend an existing one) and add the MimeTypes that this one supports.

I'm curious to see what you want to do with a custom IMAGE_JPEG loader/formatter? What actually happens is that RIFE tried to load any possible image, not just JPEGS. To do this is goes over the image loader backends it knows about. These are setup in ImageContentLoader. Ideally, this order should also become configurable. The JPEG type is only used for the format of the final image storage (the loaded image will be transformed into the target type). If you just want to store anything as-is, use the RAW type. Note that you can always change and interact with your content by using a ContentTransformer. We chose to use the standard java.awt.Image type as the format into which to load the images before writing them out again. If you want another type, you can use the RAW type with your own ContentTransform to handle it the way you want.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


On 08 Dec 2006, at 17:56, Joshua Hansen wrote:

Hi Geert (and others),

I've been working a little with the CMF and I was wondering: is it possible to specify a custom MimeType class? I can't extend it because the constructor is private, and I can't reset the static enum defs (IMAGE_JPEG, IMAGE_PNG, etc) with custom versions for the same reason.

I'd like to add new MimeTypes, and or replace existing types, such as to use a custom IMAGE_JPEG loader/formatter. A specific example would be to use a more efficient third party or native library for image manipulation/handling (instead of java.awt.Image).

I'm using RIFE 1.4.

Shalom (complete peace),


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