In working on my app, and studying bamboo, I've come across a something I'm not sure how to deal with... basically I see in the account creation in Bamboo, that the Account class uses the Validation package to set up constraints on the member variables of the Account object. In Rife/CRUD, this is done through the MetaData class.

Is the use of these two schemes mutually exclusive? I.e., if I use the/override the activateValidation() method so that I can validate the input for my new accounts, can I still use the CRUD generator to make a scaffolding to make an editing system for the account data..?

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
                                          David HM Spector
spector (at)
                                                    ~ ~ ~
"New and stirring things are belittled because if they are not belittled, the humiliating question arises, 'Why then are you not taking part in them?'" --H. G. Wells

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