I just posted this to the cookbook, but its probably useful for anyone trying to get the email scheduler working:

Not mentioned anywhere that I've seen, two external libraries are needed in order to make the email scheduler work: the Java Mail API and the Java Activation Framework (JAF) (both available from java.sun.com)

Pretty obvious: Without the Java Mail API's mail.jar you won't be able to compile programs that send mail (javax.mail.* will be missing).

Not Obvious At All: Without the JAF's activation.jar you'll get cryptic messages from the scheduler about javax/activation/Datasouce not being found coming from DatabaseMailQueueExecutor.java's gotBeanInstance() method.

Both should be placed in the lib directory (same place as the Rife jar).

------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------
                                          David HM Spector
spector (at) zeitgeist.com http://www.zeitgeist.com/
                                                    ~ ~ ~
"New and stirring things are belittled because if they are not belittled, the humiliating question arises, 'Why then are you not taking part in them?'" --H. G. Wells

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