I use the rife jumpstart project, i thaught theres mysql support out of
the box?

Henk schrieb:
> Hi,
> you probably checked this, but are you sure the MySQL jdbc driver is
> in the classpath ?
> cheers
> Henk
> On 22 Mar 2007, at 21:11, Mork0075 wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i try to add some basic database functionality to my rife app, but got
>> some errors.
>> First of all, adding this line to my auth.xml  (which extends
>> rife/autheticated/database.xml) element
>> <property name="datasource"><datasource>mysql</datasource></property>
>> causes the following error:
>> The property 'datasource' of element 'auth/loginBoxElement.xml' was
>> expected to have the type 'com.uwyn.rife.database.Datasource', however
>> it's actual type 'java.lang.String' couldn't be cast to it.
>> The second thing i did, i've added the sample blocking element to create
>> the database tables: (this is my pacitipants.xml)
>> <rep>
>>     <participant
>> param="rep/config-base.xml">ParticipantConfig</participant>
>>     <participant
>> param="rep/datasources.xml">ParticipantDatasources</participant>
>>     <property
>> name="datasource"><datasource>mysql</datasource></property>
>>     <participant blocking="true"
>> param="datasource">com.cm.financeloupe.participants.ParticipantDatabaseAuthentication</participant>
>>     <participant param="sites/main.xml">ParticipantSite</participant>
>> </rep>
>> This causes this error:
>> com.uwyn.rife.database.exceptions.DriverInstantiationErrorException:
>> Couldn't instantiate the JDBC driver 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'.
>> I tried to track it down with debugging (incl rife sources) but without
>> any luck.
>> Can somebody give me a hint? :) Thanks a lot
>> P.S.:
>> The datasource.xml looks like this
>>     <datasource name="mysql">
>>         <driver>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</driver>
>>         <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/<config
>> param="database_name"/></url>
>>         <user><config param="database_user"/></user>
>>         <password><config param="database_password"/></password>
>>         <poolsize>5</poolsize>
>>     </datasource>
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> Henk
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