Hi Viktor,

On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 08:09:51AM +0200, Viktor Naumov wrote:
> Check if you can connect from you network to
> woolsey.atlas.ripe.net and/or oneill.atlas.ripe.net using port 443

Yes, I can connect to both, using both IPv4 and IPv6 (I tested using the
OpenSSH client from a machine on the same network).

The reason why the probe was offline originally was that it stopped
accepting DHCPOFFERs for some reason, with the result that it would
continually send DHCPDISCOVERs every few seconds but never ACK an OFFER and
never connect properly to the network. That seemed to be fixed when I
powered it on again yesterday but now I see the problem is occurring again
(it started again as soon as the initial lease it received yesterday

Aug 22 21:10:18 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 
00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0
Aug 22 21:10:21 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0
Aug 22 21:10:21 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 
00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0
Aug 22 21:10:24 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0
Aug 22 21:10:24 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 
00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0
Aug 22 21:10:27 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0
Aug 22 21:10:27 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 
00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0
Aug 22 21:10:30 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0
Aug 22 21:10:30 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 
00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0
Aug 22 21:10:33 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0
Aug 22 21:10:33 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 
00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0
Aug 22 21:10:36 dreamland dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:80:a3:91:38:ac via br0

This poor probe seems cursed :( Is there any way to reset it (it's a v1
probe, according to the Atlas website on firmware 4480)?

Cheers, MJ
Michael-John Turner * m...@mjturner.net * http://mjturner.net/

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