On 2017/05/09 10:03 , Davey Song(宋林健) wrote:
> I setup measurements for DNS queries over both TCP and UDP. I found the
> timeout and failures of TCP is far more than UDP.              

> DNS over TCP: https://atlas.ripe.net/measurements/8552847/#!probes


Unfortunately, due to a bug, DNS over TCP measurements do not work in
firmware 4760. I went over the results of this measurement. And the in
most cases the probe was indeed still running 4760. Over time, probes
upgrade 4770 and this issue will be fixed.

There are a few probes that have a timeout but are running 4770. I
created a TCP traceroute measurement using the same probes of
measurement 8552847. https://atlas.ripe.net/measurements/8552847/#!probes

In those remaining cases, the traceroute fails to complete. So for those
probes there a network related issue.


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