
Thank you for the pointers Stephane and Baptiste! Already running new

Best regards,
Eduardo Duarte
Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Projetos l Project Development Management
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Baptiste Jonglez wrote on 22-11-2017 23:14:
> Hi,
> On 22-11-17, Eduardo Duarte wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> After the recent launch of the Quad9 service I try to discover if it had
>> a best response time them my actual resolver, that is google public DNS.
>> To do this I launch a comparing measurement using atlas that would run
>> during one day to the same address from the probes in my ISP.
>> The address that I was trying has a very high TTL so I was expecting to
>> always hit the cache of the servers and them get a good comparison base.
>> I know that there are other factors involve in server response time but
>> to my home connection I fill that this where enough.
> Instead of asking for a regular name, you can query a special name like
> "version.bind" in the CHAOS class.  These queries are always answered
> directly, so it simulates a 100% cache hit and allows you to measure the
> RTT towards a resolver.
> To test with dig:
>   $ dig @ CH version.bind TXT
> See https://atlas.ripe.net/measurements/9740262/ for a real measurement
> using this technique.
> Baptiste
>> When I got the results from the measurement they were not what I
>> expected.... The measurements to Quad9 had high value of REFUSAL.
>> Does any one as a clue why???
>> The measurement result is available at
>> https://atlas.ripe.net/measurements/10269508
>> Best regards,

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