On 2019-01-14 17:01, Christopher Morrow wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 10:45 AM Bruno Pagani <bruno.pag...@ens-lyon.org
> <mailto:bruno.pag...@ens-lyon.org>> wrote:
>     Now that I’m back on a computer, I confirm what I said above and
>     also can tell you that the detail is available at:
>     https://atlas.ripe.net/user/credits/
>     You’ll see “Probe uptime” entries of 21600 (or below in case of
>     downtime) and some “For results delivered” with various amounts.
> Ah! ok, yes I see 21600 for just being alive and slightly different
> amounts for 'results delivered'. thanks for the pointer.
> -chris

I can confirm this to be "the algorithm" :-)

This "bonus" was introduced a couple of years ago mostly because some
probes are much more popular than others and it just seemed fair to
recognise and rewaerd this.


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