Le 30/08/2019 à 20:32, Gert Doering a écrit :
> Hi,
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 03:08:06PM +0000, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson wrote:
>>> Yep. I wish the use of TLSA was more wide spread. It doesn't require third 
>>> parties to "certify" who is who.
>> The third parties that "certify" are for others to establish trust in 
>> that you are who you claim to be not because its "required" and the 
>> security industry has deemed those who do not atleast get some other 
>> entity to validate, not to be worthy of trust.
> TLSA does all this, without requiring some other entity that follows their
> own agenda to "certify" anything.  You need to trust the DNS root KSK,
> of course, but everything else follows the normal DNSSEC chain.

Not quite true, you also need to trust your registrar, as they could
change the enrolled DNSSEC key and glue records. Though this is way more
visible than a rogue certificate used ponctually for some targets. ;)

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