Couldn't this functionality be extended to the Atlas Anchors?


-----Original Message-----
From: ripe-atlas <> On Behalf Of Philip Homburg
Sent: 07 April 2021 10:27
Subject: Re: [atlas] Feature request for Validated Timestamps

On 2021/04/06 17:04 , Will wrote:
> I'm not sure if there's a process for this sort of feature request
> beyond this mailing list. Would it help if I propose a more concrete
> PR against
> <>

To the extend that you would like secure geolocation in presence of a 
malicious probe, it would make sense to me to start with documenting the 
protocol you would like to use.

The current way of geolocating probes works by having to probe report round 
trip times to a number locations. Obviously, a malicious probe could report 
any rtt value.

I'm sure we can come up with a protocol if we have a sufficient number of 
trusted servers. However, such a protocol would need to be documented and 
deployed on those servers.


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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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