Those limits seem reasonable enough,

My own intuition would suggest values of:


But otherwise, I welcome such a change being implemented!

On Tue, 20 Feb 2024 at 15:43, Robert Kisteleki <> wrote:
> > Is there an immediate way to report these probes other than this
> > mailing list?  I don't know of one and so I'm here :)
> Dear Ben and others,
> Each new, connected RIPE Atlas probe provides incremental value to the
> system and its users, but this value decreases with similarity to
> existing probes ("diminishing returns"). At the same time connecting a
> probe and processing results from it has some costs, so we'd like to be
> conscious of the cost/benefit ratio.
> Since the potential pool of software probes is almost infinite, in
> response to the highlighted case, we'd like to propose the following
> mid-term approach:
> * No user/account should be allowed to run more than X SW probes from
> the same IP (X=3 ?)
> * No user/account should be allowed to run more than Y SW probes from
> the same IPv4/24 IPv6/48 (Y=5 ?)
> * Regardless of the user/account, no more than Z SW probes should be
> allowed from the same IPv4/24 IPv6/48 (Z=10 ?)
> X, Y and Z are defaults, can be changed per account. This is done in
> order to facilitate corner cases and overstepping the limits, if this is
> warranted (given a good explanation). We are also reaching out to the
> current "peak users" to understand their use cases and motivations - the
> above limits can be enforced depending on the responses.
> In the longer term we believe a more flexible approach is to base this
> on what has been termed "probe similarity metrics": a new probe that is
> really similar to some existing one has less value to the system,
> therefore after reaching a low enough limit it can be refused, or
> alternatively, simply not gaining credits for its owner. This
> diincentivises creating "probe farms".
> Regards,

ripe-atlas mailing list

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