Hi all,

Yesterday I should have reacted in a different way, ignoring the provocations, 
so I want to ask excuses for that.

I think we (all) in those situations must privately ask the chairs to enforce 
he AUP and call to the order to the authors of inappropriate postings.

I need to make clear that I still believe (not just this time) it is wrong to 
issue any subtle "warning" (or whatever you want to call it) to participants in 
any discussion. We, as it can't be other way, can disagree if a proposal, idea, 
problem statement, solution, is good or bad; that's it and that's what the 
discussion should be about.

We are all free to ignore/delete emails from anyone if we believe that he/she 
is sending too many emails, but those emails, in general, except in clear cases 
that we all remember for spam, publicity of electoral candidates, etc., need to 
be allowed without restriction, because people are discussing about something 
that is in the scope of the list (apply this to any WG list as well).

If we believe that something is out of the scope, we should call the chairs to 
tell to the poster, but not do ourselves and even less, do what I did: 
responding to them.

If we look into previous discussions, same people that attacked me yesterday 
has sent (many times) more than "n" emails. So, if we want to define that, 
let's have it in the PDP or AUP, so it applies to everybody in the same way.

My response to their provocation is only upsetting more people from the 
community against my proposals or ideas, so I'm helping them to achieve what 
they wanted: to ruin the discussion.

Is not an excuse, but you also need to understand that this is not a 
consequence of a few minutes of "bad energy" from my side, but also a cumulus 
of private emails (sometimes from the same people that exposed themselves in 
the list), and attacks in different lists (often from the same people as well), 
such as mentions to the "Spanish Inquisition", among others. I tend to not 
overreact to those, even ignore them, or answer politely, but it seems that I 
should instead, report every single case to the chairs and avoid forming "dark 
clouds" and then having "storms".

I'm not alone on this (and I got a couple of people writing me about that this 
time). We discussed long time ago, I think it was in the Diversity TF, how 
people take advantage of better knowledge of English to abuse and attack 
non-native speaker ones (or people that is not so fluent).

We have mention about the lack of participation. Those subtle attacks 
definitively don't help to improve that, on the other way around, some people 
get scared, overreact, or go away.

It is even more sad that some of those provocations come from people that are 
(or have been) chairs of WGs and I think they must be exemplary. It looks like 
some of them believe they are kings. Maybe one more thing to change in the PDP 
is a maximum number of terms to avoid this. I think also sanctions of the AUP 
should be stricter in those cases and this shows that also we are missing in 
the PDP a procedure for recalling chairs. For those that aren’t aware, this 
just happened in AFRINIC (a Recall Committee has decided that both cochairs are 
recalled with immediate effect, in short because they violated the PDP and took 
decisions or attributions beyond what is set in the PDP).


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