On 11/02/2021 09:00, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via ripe-list wrote:

2 or 3 terms, plus a "freeze period" (1 term? 1 year?) to avoid cases where a chair "jumps" to another WG.

I would completely support this if there weren't already problems
in getting enough people to take on the extra workload of becoming
a WG chair.

It could also be the other way round. People might be discouraged to
run against the long-time chairs.

**** Exactly, that's was my point, it looks that I was not able to
find the best wording. I've seen that in other organizations, not
just here.

1) You ask for volunteers to replace "existing co-chair a" 2) There
are 1-2 volunteers 3) "existing co-chair a" say, I will also
volunteer to continue 4) There are comments like "existing co-chair
a" has been there for long time, he knows the job ... 5) the 1-2
volunteers then drop-out.

May be the recommendation should be "2 terms maximum, 2 years each,
then 1 year minimum stop, unless there are no other volunteers to
fill the vacancy".


I understand the sympathy towards "people might be discouraged to run against the long-time chairs" and we should encourage young and fresh energy into taking a chairing roles and leading roles - but as many up to now already pointed out: This is a community and not some governmental organization or court.

If long-standing chairs are performing well, doing their job and WG is active and producing satisfying results - I see no issue with them continuing the good job that they were doing up to date.

Believe me - if there is any sign of chair not doing the right thing and when this continues - the process of "rotation" will start among the participants of particular WG and at the end of a day the chair in question will be hinted to just not stand up again for re-election and problem will be solved one way or another.

And at the end of a day, stability of WGs is also something that counts - provided that WGs are not stalling and doing their job.

On the other hand - if WG has good chairs that are taking a WG work to another level and their term expires and there are no other candidates to chair the WG - what happens then? Because of some rules that were meant to solve some corner cases you loose good chairs?

Come on Jordi, you know better than that...

Cheers, Jan

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