Hi Mirjam, all,

See my responses below in-line.


El 16/2/22 14:45, "ripe-list en nombre de Mirjam Kuehne" 
<ripe-list-boun...@ripe.net en nombre de m...@zu-hause.nl> escribió:

    Dear colleagues,

    On 26 January we held an online meeting to gather feedback about the
    revised Policy Development Process (PDP). The recordings, minutes and
    slides can be found here:


    Below you can find a short summary of the main points discussed at the
    meeting. Based on this feedback we adjusted the draft document and
    created a new red-lined version:


    Please review the changes carefully and provide any additional feedback
    before 16 March 2022.

    Kind regards,
    Mirjam Kühne

    Meeting Summary:
    The overall sentiment was to rely on community consensus and common
    sense as much as possible and to keep formalism at a minimum.

    1. Author and Ownership of the Document

    There was general agreement to make a distinction between the author and
    owner of the PDP: the community should be listed as owner of the PDP and
    the RIPE Chair as the author of the document. [1]

[Jordi] Well, I don't think we can talk about "general agreement" while some 
people still disagree with valid objections. Moreover, I don't think my point 
was correctly taken in the minutes. What I'm saying is that all the RIPE 
community documents have authors. Actually, I will say that the initial authors 
become editors ASAP the doc is released to the community for discussion and the 
goal of the authors (now editors), is to capture the inputs from the community 
so to be able to reach consensus.

I agree that all the documents must cite the original authors for archive and 
history tracking purposes. What I disagree is that the authors are named as an 
ack in the final document, unless we do that for *all the documents* so they 
don't become discriminatory towards some authors. For example: If you look at 
different policies, some authors made sure that their names are in the policy 
text, some others not. My personal perspective on this is that once a document 
reach consensus, because it is a community work, authors should not be part of 
the text of the policy. Again, they are still visible in the "proposal web 
page", but not in the final "policy web page" (or the PDF, etc.).

If we decide that the original authors should be in the final policy text, then 
it should be the same for *ALL*, not some yes, some not. Something like the ack 
section as we do in IETF docs, etc.

A couple of examples of this for both cases, looking at the latest document 
discussed, and not trying to "accuse" anyone about that, it is just something 
we have done wrong, and we shall correct from now on:

Documents that don't mentions authors:
https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-738 vs the latest proposal for this 
doc (where authors are cited) 

https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-733 vs the latest proposal for this 
doc (where authors are cited) 
https://www.ripe.net/participate/policies/proposals/2019-05 and 

Documents that mention authors explicitly:
https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-731 vs the latest proposal for this 
doc (where authors are cited) 

https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-705 vs the latest proposal for this 
doc (where authors are cited) 

Now, saying the PDP that the Chair is the formal author is wrong, because that 
is like saying that only the Chair can work on that. This is a discrimination 
and we have already seen that, so this is an objective fact. When I summited a 
proposal for addressing changes in the appeal, my proposal was ignored, so a 
clear lawful discrimination (at least for many democratic countries and our 
rules can't be dictatorial and against law - we can't say "blue hair persons 
summiting documents will be ignored" because it is illegal). Anyone in the 
community, where we are all equal, can suggest a change in the PDP, the same 
that anyone can suggest a change in any other document, policy, etc.

I don't think we need at all this text "The community owns the PDP. The RIPE 
Chair is formally the author of the document", because this is our standard for 
all the documents.

If we want to make sure that this is "stated" for all the documents, not just 
for the PDP, then we should have a paragraph, may be a specific section, 
addressing that, for example:

"The community owns all the documents. Each WG chair(s) are responsible for the 
consensus process and in the case of the PDP updates, the Chair(s) are the 

I also believe that "Everything else, such as RIPE NCC business practices, 
procedures and operations is out of scope." is unnecessary. Everyone 
participating shall understand the difference in between NCC and the community. 
However I'm fine to keep it.

    2. Scope of the Document

    There was agreement to shorten the introduction of the document to
    clarify that the PDP only refers to policy. There was also agreement to
    keep the section about values and principles.

[Jordi] I don't think this is acceptable: "Avoid creating a formal proposal in 
case there is insufficient interest". Our PDP is based on consensus. To declare 
non-consensus only *justified objections* shall be considered, like in IETF. 
Consensus is not about personal opinions or business conveniences; it is about 
finding what is best for the overall community. An idea or proposal can be 
unpopular for some business and they can decide to stay silent, and may be 
nobody from the community (apart from the authors) speak up in favor of the 
proposed idea: however it is clear that is the right thing to do, and 
consequently the authors have the right to submit a proposal and only 
non-consensus could be declared if the authors were wrong that it was a bad 
idea *because* objective and justified objections have been raised in the 

    3. Changes to PDP

    Most people agreed that the scope of the Policy Development Process
    should be limited to creating policy. It should not be used to change
    the PDP itself or other RIPE governance documents. It was suggested
    however to carefully manage the change process including clear deadlines
    and announcements to ensure proper community consensus building.

[Jordi] This may be an English issue, but for non-native it creates some 
troubles and misinformation, I realized it when working not only in RIPE but in 
other RIRs and already suggested in other cases to amend this. Proposals can be 
"withdrawn" or "abandoned" and we shall differentiate it. A proposal is 
abandoned when authors no longer respond (if it was interesting for the 
community this may turn into new editors taking over). A proposal is withdrawn 
by the proposer(s) or WG chairs decision. I think we should clearly define 
"abandoned" in the section 2.2 and it can be done in such way that doesn't need 
to be mention again in the rest of the text. Something like:

"Abandoned: Meaning that the authors, during the PDP flow for a proposal, 
aren't longer responding to the WG Chairs and/or RIPE NCC staff. If the 
proposal is still interesting for the community, WG Chairs could openly seek 
for new editors to continue the PDP process."

    4. Re-introducing Informal Discussion Step

    There was strong agreement to re-introduce this step and that gathering
    support prior to a formal proposal is crucial.

[Jordi] As said, and properly justified above, this is contradictory with the 
consensus definition. A previous discussion may be good, but can't be a must at 
all and it should be clear that WG Chairs have *never* the right to avoid a 
proposal being submmited.

    5. Appeals Procedure – Process, Deadlines, Recusals

    There was general agreement to have a well defined appeals procedure
    with clear deadlines and a certain level of formalism. Some people
    suggested to create a separate appeals body. Others felt that it will be
    difficult to find people and that the WG chairs tend to have experience
    with the PDP.

[Jordi] Again, no general agreement can be declared here (in the current text) 
if there are valid objections and my objection is based on objective facts. 
There were WGCC that participated in the discussion a recent appealed proposal 
and they didn't recuse themselves. This clearly demonstrates, that the current 
procedure doesn't work, it is unfair and subjective.

[Jordi] I strongly disagree with section "5. Changes to the PDP". The PDP 
changes must be objectively done *the same* as any other document, and for that 
it need to have a very well-defined procedure, timings, etc..  Not doing so 
creates "juridical insecurity", and having "juridical insecurity" in our master 
document it is the worst think we can do. I don't mind if we don't want to call 
it a policy (as in the other RIRs, which I think is the right way) or not; I 
don't mind if we have edited it in previous occasions following the PDP or not. 
Is time to resolve it forever. Either we clearly state that the PDP uses the 
PDP to self-modify it (as in the other RIRs), or we define very clearly how we 
do it step by step, and this seems to me more complex and unnecessary vs using 
the PDP itself.

    6. Editorial Changes

    There was no disagreement about the suggested editorial changes.

    [1] There was a question if the RIPE Vice Chair should also be listed.
    However, ripe-714 provides the option for the RIPE Chair to delegate to
    others, e.g. a Vice Chair.


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