d6jg wrote: 
> It may be the multi disc setting. I have a compilation that I digitised
> from vinyl years ago. It was one of my earliest attempts. The software I
> used split the tracks into folders by artist. None of the tracks have
> compilation tag set. The album title is identical but LMS sees it as 4
> different albums. I keep meaning to sort it out when I am about to do a
> full drop & rescan but keep forgetting.
As noted in my previous post, if it is a compilation then all tracks do
need to be in the same folder. That's the same whether it is a
single-disc or a multi-disc compilation. 

It's the "Greatest Hits" issue (which applies to all albums, not just
those titled "Greatest Hits"). If the tracks are spread around different
folders for each artist then having the same album title is not
sufficient for LMS to figure out which ones go together. And in addition
to putting them in the same folder you should set a compilation tag.

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