Can you then suggest a reasonable alternative to Live365 that WILL work with 

Joseph Matthews

On Nov 10, 2011, at 6:02 PM, Wayne Merricks wrote:

> Sorry to break this to you but Live365 doesn't work with Linux streamers.  
> They do funky things by hiding the ports the server is really on and you need 
> to stream an MP3 format.  On top of this there are proprietary commands for 
> turning the server on.  I ended up having to use an XP VM just to get this 
> going, they aren't interested in making a Linux client either (check their 
> forums for more info).
> Regards,
> Wayne
> -----Original Message-----
> From: on behalf of Joseph 
> Matthews
> Sent: Thu 10/11/2011 19:07
> To: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System
> Subject: Re: [RDD] Streaming Questions
> Perhaps I need a bit of clarification. I have installed darkice, and believe 
> I have it configured correctly. My darkice.cfg:
> [general]
> duration        = 0         # duration of encoding, in seconds. 0 means 
> forever
> bufferSecs      = 5         # size of internal slip buffer, in seconds
> reconnect       = yes       # reconnect to the server(s) if disconnected
> # this section describes the audio input that will be streamed
> [input]
> device          = jack      # OSS DSP soundcard device for the audio input
> sampleRate      = 44100     # sample rate in Hz. try 11025, 22050 or 44100
> bitsPerSample   = 16        # bits per sample. try 16
> channel         = 2         # channels. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo
> [icecast2-0]
> format          = vorbis
> bitrateMode     = cbr
> bitrate         = 96
> quality         = 0.8
> server          =               # Live365 IP address
> mountPoint      =     # Live365 doesn't require a mount pint
> port            = xxxxx       # Live365 port
> password        = xxxxxxxx    # Live365 account password
> public          = yes
> As far as I can tell, this configuration is correct. However, when I run 
> darkice, I get this:
> DarkIce 0.20.1 live audio streamer,
> Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Tyrell Hungary,
> Using config file: /etc/darkice.cfg
> Using JACK audio server as input device.
> Using POSIX real-time scheduling, priority 98
> Registering as JACK client darkice-12432
> DarkIce: VorbisLibEncoder.cpp:142: vorbis lib opening underlying sink error 
> [0]
> From what I can tell Googling around, this error message typically means that 
> darkice can't connect to the server. Am I missing a step here?
> Thanks for the help!
> Joseph Matthews
> On Nov 4, 2011, at 6:59 PM, James Harrison wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Okay, here's how it fits together in theory:
>> * Rivendell talks to JACK, obviously
>> * Darkice accepts JACK input (configured in /etc/darkice.cfg usually)
>> and converts that audio to a stream of MPEG-3 data (or ogg, or whatnot)
>> * Icecast accepts that stream, and broadcasts it by retransmission
>> (effectively) to any clients who want to listen
>> So, all you need to do is connect darkice to Rivendell, point darkice at
>> an Icecast server (yours or a hosted one - will need appropriate
>> bandwidth) and point Live365 at your Icecast server.
>> The best way to set this up is probably using a small shell script - you
>> can connect ports with jack_connect. So if you configure darkice to
>> provide two ports named darkice:left and darkice:right, and want the
>> main RD output patched to that:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> # Run darkice in a screen session, detatched from this window (check my
>> options- doing this off memory so they may be wrong)
>> screen -DmS darkice darkice
>> # wait a bit
>> sleep 5
>> # patch it in
>> jack_connect rivendell:outport_left darkice:left
>> jack_connect rivendell:outport_right darkice:right
>> That should do the trick. If you want to just patch what you hear to
>> darkice you should check JACK's monitor mode - you can set up software
>> monitor ports so anything going out gets duplicated to an input you can
>> then patch to darkice.
>> Darkice is very much the way to go if you ask me but Liquidsoap is
>> another popular tool, if a little more complex to configure. It does
>> have the advantage of giving you more flexibility, and potentially some
>> processing of audio prior to TX, but I prefer to do that processing with
>> Jamin (a JACK audio mastering program, which can do you a multiband
>> compressor, lots of EQ and a lookahead limiter). You can patch in that
>> or JACK-Rack or anything else like that (LinuxDSP has a multiband
>> compressor with JACK support for instance) in the same way as described
>> above. The jack_lsp (and jack_lsp -c) commands are helpful for
>> debugging, and check out Patchage (available in the Ubuntu repos) for a
>> nice simple GUI to help you play around with things.
>> Hope that helps!
>> Cheers,
>> James Harrison
>> On 04/11/2011 22:35, Joseph Matthews wrote:
>>> I'm hoping that someone can perhaps provide me with a good starting
>> point for streaming from Rivendell. I am using Rivendell 2.0.2 and JACK
>> under Unbuntu 10.04 LTS. I want to stream directly from JACK to Live365.
>> I have Googled and searched the Rivendell list, but really can't figure
>> out where to start. I've read about dark ice, darksnow, icecast,
>> edcast-jack.. But can't even begin to figure out how to configure
>> anything or make connections to JACK.
>>> Your help is greatly appreciated!
>>> Joseph Matthews
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