Ultimately this is what I had to do: patch darkice into Rivendell through JACK, 
point dark ice to a local icecast2 server, then point Live365 (in relay mode) 
to my icecast server. So far, everything is working excellent, except….

Live365 requires Now Playing met data to be sent along with the audio stream. I 
have added rlm_icecast2 in RDAdmin > Manage Hosts > RDAirplay > Configure Now & 
Next, and pointed it to my configuration file (Argument: 
'/etc/rlm_icecast2.conf'). Still, the icecast server is not receiving the data. 
Here is my rlm_icecast2.conf file:

; rlm_icecast2.conf
; This is the sample configuration file for the 'rlm_icecast2' module for 
; Rivendell, which can be used to update the metadata on an IceCast2 
; mountpoint using Now & Next data.
; To enable this module, add it to the 'Loadable Modules' list in 
; RDAdmin->ManageHosts->RDAirPlay->ConfigureNow&Next.  The 'Argument'
; field should point to the location of this file.
; This module requires the curl(1) network transfer tool, included with most
; Linux distros.  It is also available at http://curl.haxx.se/.

; Section Header
; One section per Icecast2 mountpoint is configured, starting with 
; 'Icecast1' and working up consecutively

; User Name
; The username of the Icecast2 account to which to send updates.

; Password
; The password of the Icecast2 account to which to send updates.

; Host Name
; The fully-qualified domain name or IP address of the Icecast2 server

; Host Port
; The TCP port number of the Icecast2 server

; Mountpoint
; The Icecast2 mountpoint

; Format String.  The metadata to be sent each time RDAirPlay changes
; play state, including any wildcards as placeholders for metadata values.
; The following wildcards are available:
;  Now  Next  Field
;  ----------------------------------------------
;   %n   %N   The Rivendell cart number
;   %h   %H   Event length (in milliseconds)
;   %g   %G   The Rivendell group name
;   %t   %T   Title
;   %a   %A   Artist
;   %l   %L   Album
;   %y   %Y   Year
;   %b   %B   Record Label
;   %c   %C   Client
;   %e   %E   Agency
;   %m   %M   Composer
;   %p   %P   Publisher
;   %u   %U   User Definied
FormatString=%a  (%l) %t

; Log Selection
; Set the status for each log to 'Yes', 'No' or 'Onair' to indicate whether
; state changes on that log should be output to this account.  If set
; to 'Onair', then output will be generated only if RDAirPlays OnAir flag
; is active.

Everything appears to be configured accurately, but according to the icecast 
admin page (localhost:8000), no currently playing track shows up; Live365 
certainly isn't getting the data. I've tried to tweak everything I can think of 
in the rlm_icecast2.conf file, but to no avail. Any ideas?

Joseph Matthews

On Nov 13, 2011, at 8:24 AM, Rob Landry wrote:

> I have a client that has been feeding Live365 from a Linux encoder for 
> several years. They have darkice feeding icecast running on the local 
> machine, and they have Live365 in relay mode pulling a stream from the 
> Icecast server. They rarely have a problem, and when they do, they can 
> connect to the Icecast server directly to determine whether it's their 
> problem or Live365's.
> Rob
> On Thu, 10 Nov 2011, Wayne Merricks wrote:
>> Sorry to break this to you but Live365 doesn't work with Linux streamers.  
>> They do funky things by hiding the ports the server is really on and you 
>> need to stream an MP3 format.  On top of this there are proprietary commands 
>> for turning the server on.  I ended up having to use an XP VM just to get 
>> this going, they aren't interested in making a Linux client either (check 
>> their forums for more info).
>> Regards,
>> Wayne
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: rivendell-dev-boun...@lists.rivendellaudio.org on behalf of Joseph 
>> Matthews
>> Sent: Thu 10/11/2011 19:07
>> To: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System
>> Subject: Re: [RDD] Streaming Questions
>> Perhaps I need a bit of clarification. I have installed darkice, and believe 
>> I have it configured correctly. My darkice.cfg:
>> [general]
>> duration        = 0         # duration of encoding, in seconds. 0 means 
>> forever
>> bufferSecs      = 5         # size of internal slip buffer, in seconds
>> reconnect       = yes       # reconnect to the server(s) if disconnected
>> # this section describes the audio input that will be streamed
>> [input]
>> device          = jack      # OSS DSP soundcard device for the audio input
>> sampleRate      = 44100     # sample rate in Hz. try 11025, 22050 or 44100
>> bitsPerSample   = 16        # bits per sample. try 16
>> channel         = 2         # channels. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo
>> [icecast2-0]
>> format          = vorbis
>> bitrateMode     = cbr
>> bitrate         = 96
>> quality         = 0.8
>> server          = xxx.xxx.xx.xx              # Live365 IP address
>> mountPoint      =    # Live365 doesn't require a mount pint
>> port            = xxxxx      # Live365 port
>> password        = xxxxxxxx   # Live365 account password
>> public          = yes
>> As far as I can tell, this configuration is correct. However, when I run 
>> darkice, I get this:
>> DarkIce 0.20.1 live audio streamer, http://darkice.tyrell.hu/
>> Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Tyrell Hungary, http://tyrell.hu/
>> Using config file: /etc/darkice.cfg
>> Using JACK audio server as input device.
>> Using POSIX real-time scheduling, priority 98
>> Registering as JACK client darkice-12432
>> DarkIce: VorbisLibEncoder.cpp:142: vorbis lib opening underlying sink error 
>> [0]
>>> From what I can tell Googling around, this error message typically means 
>>> that darkice can't connect to the server. Am I missing a step here?
>> Thanks for the help!
>> Joseph Matthews
>> On Nov 4, 2011, at 6:59 PM, James Harrison wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Okay, here's how it fits together in theory:
>>> * Rivendell talks to JACK, obviously
>>> * Darkice accepts JACK input (configured in /etc/darkice.cfg usually)
>>> and converts that audio to a stream of MPEG-3 data (or ogg, or whatnot)
>>> * Icecast accepts that stream, and broadcasts it by retransmission
>>> (effectively) to any clients who want to listen
>>> So, all you need to do is connect darkice to Rivendell, point darkice at
>>> an Icecast server (yours or a hosted one - will need appropriate
>>> bandwidth) and point Live365 at your Icecast server.
>>> The best way to set this up is probably using a small shell script - you
>>> can connect ports with jack_connect. So if you configure darkice to
>>> provide two ports named darkice:left and darkice:right, and want the
>>> main RD output patched to that:
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> # Run darkice in a screen session, detatched from this window (check my
>>> options- doing this off memory so they may be wrong)
>>> screen -DmS darkice darkice
>>> # wait a bit
>>> sleep 5
>>> # patch it in
>>> jack_connect rivendell:outport_left darkice:left
>>> jack_connect rivendell:outport_right darkice:right
>>> That should do the trick. If you want to just patch what you hear to
>>> darkice you should check JACK's monitor mode - you can set up software
>>> monitor ports so anything going out gets duplicated to an input you can
>>> then patch to darkice.
>>> Darkice is very much the way to go if you ask me but Liquidsoap is
>>> another popular tool, if a little more complex to configure. It does
>>> have the advantage of giving you more flexibility, and potentially some
>>> processing of audio prior to TX, but I prefer to do that processing with
>>> Jamin (a JACK audio mastering program, which can do you a multiband
>>> compressor, lots of EQ and a lookahead limiter). You can patch in that
>>> or JACK-Rack or anything else like that (LinuxDSP has a multiband
>>> compressor with JACK support for instance) in the same way as described
>>> above. The jack_lsp (and jack_lsp -c) commands are helpful for
>>> debugging, and check out Patchage (available in the Ubuntu repos) for a
>>> nice simple GUI to help you play around with things.
>>> Hope that helps!
>>> Cheers,
>>> James Harrison
>>> On 04/11/2011 22:35, Joseph Matthews wrote:
>>>> I'm hoping that someone can perhaps provide me with a good starting
>>> point for streaming from Rivendell. I am using Rivendell 2.0.2 and JACK
>>> under Unbuntu 10.04 LTS. I want to stream directly from JACK to Live365.
>>> I have Googled and searched the Rivendell list, but really can't figure
>>> out where to start. I've read about dark ice, darksnow, icecast,
>>> edcast-jack.. But can't even begin to figure out how to configure
>>> anything or make connections to JACK.
>>>> Your help is greatly appreciated!
>>>> Joseph Matthews
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