Good Morning!

We have been moving right along with Rivendell (2.01) but when adding a few
computers to the server, the following happens:

RD#1 - Our server and main playout machine runs flawlessly.  By weeks end,
we'll be moving to a NAS and hopefully may clear up some of the permission
issues we are having on RD#2 (local station) and RD#3 (local station).  As
a result, RD#1 - RD#3 will look at the NAS and free up the space on RD#1.

But here is where I have been scratching my head.  Yesterday, when I went
to open up RDAdmin on RD#1 I get this message:  *"The Rivendell Database
needs to be updated.  All audio and settings will be preserved, but this
will STOP any audio playout or recording on this machine for a few seconds.

I have never seen this before and when I click "OK", I get this message in
return: *"Unable to update Rivendell Database".*   I thought if I went into
/etc/mysql/my.cnf and put 127.x.x.x back in, stop/start MYSQL, things would
return to normal.  Not the case.  RDAirplay on RD#1 freezes up and when I
restart it, it picks up right where it left off.  I just can't get into
RDAdmin anymore.  Is there something broken in MYSQL?

PLEASE...does anyone know what to do here?  The NAS arrives on Friday and
we go live with 2 new stations next week.

Much thanks in advance.

-Terry LeTourneau
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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