Sorry to clarify it's not the web browser saying invalid URL... it's
rdlibrary saying that when trying to import music.

I checked permissions of rdimport as well as rdxport.cgi and they are all
the same as when rivendell was installed

On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 11:52 AM, Bill Putney <> wrote:

>  Patrick,
> It's not that we don't want to help. That's what this whole mail list is
> about.
> Rivendell runs on linux and to trouble shoot problems you have to be
> pretty high functioning as a linux hacker. Rivendell is a complicated suite
> of applications with not so great documentation. I've been working around
> *nix systems since the 70's when they were connected to the ARPANet by IMPs
> and TIPs. I still have to put out a call for help to the mailing list
> sometimes because it's been a long time since I did any heavy programming
> and Rivendell is complicated. Sometimes I get help right away and sometimes
> I don't hear a peep. I don't get too upset about it, I just start trying
> things to try to fix it myself. I have a machine that I use just for that
> and if I break it I reload it from scratch and it's just a couple days of
> my time burned up.
> I'm not running 2.1 (still in production on 1.7.1) yet so it's hard for me
> to help you. In 1.7.1 all the work with RDLibrary is done in a desktop GUI
> not a web browser. I wasn't aware that had changed.
> If the browser is saying the URL is invalid, it probably is either a
> configuration issue with Apache or file permissions. If there was a bug,
> the cgi would die and hang the browser or report some exit error message.
> Open a terminal window and sudo a find for the cgi. Look at it's
> permissions and where it is. Make sure all that it correct. After you find
> out some more, ask the list some more questions. At some point you may run
> across some information that triggers a memory for someone and you'll get
> some help.
> I think the point that Tim was making is that no one on this list has a
> responsibility to anyone else to fix problems. If one of us can help and we
> recognize the problem and have a solution we'll reply. If it's new ground
> we're just like you and we won't waste the bandwidth saying so.
> Rivendell is an excellent system. It is complete, in current development
> and even as a turnkey from Paravell it is cost effective when compared to
> other broadcast automation systems. If you're really new to this whole
> thing one of the LiveCD's from RRAbuntu is a great way to have a running
> system up in a hurry. Look at their Sourceforge  project pages (
> If you have the money in your budget,
> you can't go wrong with a turnkey and then you have someone that really
> does have a responsibility to help you fix your issues.
> Bill Putney - KPTZ Port Townsend, WA
>  and On 12/17/11 8:01 AM, Patrick Schmalstig / WRRJ Radio wrote:
> Well alright if you guys do not want to help me then I'll have nothing to
> do with Rivendell. Where in my previous message did I mention anything to
> do with professional technical support?
>  ...and why are you talking about this sounding like technical support
> instead of community help, instead of helping me out with what I really
> need help on... RDImport?
>  ...and I cannot go with any professional solution... I have no money to
> do so. Sorry.
> On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 12:53 AM, Bill Putney <> wrote:
>>  Might I recommend Rivendell from Paravell Systems. They know a lot
>> about the product and seem a reasonable bunch. I'm sure you would find the
>> support very good. They have a turn key solution with all the bells and
>> whistles.
>> You can reach them at .
>>  Bill Putney - KPTZ Port Townsend, WA
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Dec 16, 2011, at 8:55 PM, Tim Camp <> wrote:
>>   You understand that you are not talking to some support line for a
>> product that you paid for don't you. This a a community forum where help is
>> given on a voluntary basis when people have time. If you expect to demand a
>> response may I say suggest you purchase a product.
>> On Dec 16, 2011 10:08 PM, "Patrick Schmalstig / WRRJ Radio" <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>>  I've been having a lot of troubles lately trying to set up a new
>>> installation of Rivendell 2.1.0 on Ubuntu 11.10 (and do NOT tell me that
>>> this was not meant for Ubuntu 11.10... I looked at that page with regards
>>> to that and did everything on it... it should work properly but it does
>>> not. Not only that but there was no clear documentation that it was not
>>> meant for Ubuntu 11.10.).
>>>  Anyway problem is when I upload (or try to upload) a file to rdlibrary
>>> I get "Invalid URL". Here's what I did:
>>>  *I have verified my IP address was correct in Rivendell.
>>> *I verified Apache is working correctly.
>>> *I verified the Rivendell cgi scripts were able to be accessed from my
>>> IP.
>>> *I verified the freeDB url was correct...
>>>  This started happening randomly. Rdimport was working fine before
>>> (with the exception of uploading music at a lower pitch than it should
>>> be... which I'm trying to fix... but now I can't with this problem).
>>>  Please tell me what's up and how to fix it. Please also respond when
>>> you have received this message and you are on it trying to find a solution.
>>> Thank you!
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