
My only additional comment, which does not apply to Linux, if you're 
looking to use a M-Audio Delta 44 or 66 in Windows 7 64 bit, you might 
or might not run into difficulty.

At one site about a year ago  which uses a Delta 66 for production work 
on a CoolEdit / Adobe Audition machine, at one point we made a decision 
to try Windows 7 on it in our production studio (as I recall, Win 7 
offered a solution to another problem we were having on that machine).  
After going to Win7 the initial problem went away, but a new one arose - 
while recording audio into the Delta 66 you'd get random pauses of about 
1 second in your recording.  At first I thought it was a problem with 
Cool.Edit / Audition on Win7, but eventually I traced it down to a 
problem with the Delta card and Win7.  Recording with the on-board 
(crappy) audio card didn't have the problem (but the sound quality was 
noticeably worse).

What's interesting is that googling the issue turned up quite a few 
other people experiencing the same problem (it wasn't limited to 
CoolEdit / Audition - it could be anything that recorded audio).  A 
newer (beta) driver from M-Audio solved the problem for some people,  
but for others (like us) it did not. The only explanation we could 
figure out is that over the years there were slight changes in the Delta 
66 hardware, and the older versions of that card seemed to have more 
difficulty with Win7 (even with the newer Beta driver which was supposed 
to fix the problem).  Eventually we put XP back on that machine and 
devised a work-around for the original issue that we were having.  Since 
then we havn't had any problems.

Once again, that was over 10 months ago and I do see they've released 
another (non-beta)  update to the delta 66 driver for Win7.  I don't 
know if the newer driver would fix the issue we experienced or not - I 
havn't tried it.  But I just thought I'd put a word of caution out there 
(again - this is not an issue in Linux).

>>>> >>>  ...other options to look at are the m-audio Delta 44 or 66
> --- We're thinking alike, Lorne. At my day job, we have several machines 
> tricked out with 44s and you're right, they work very well. I just haven't 
> tried the 1010LT yet, but am finding I might need a pile of inputs and 
> outputs for my purposes and the Double-Ten might be my best and most 
> affordable solution.
> -ap
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