On 01/12/2012 05:32 AM, James Harrison wrote:

> I'm also a little nervous because there's been spam issues on the
> tryphon wiki before and it's on a very old build of MediaWiki, and
> doesn't seem actively maintained from a web administration standpoint.

Hi James,

I'm one of the Tryphon sysadmin. Let me assure you that
rivendell.tryphon.org is actively maintained and monitored. The
mediawiki release used is provided by the squeeze debian package. We're
watching changes and rollbacking spammer "contributions". The database
is backup each night, etc ...

To fight spam more efficiently, the user subscription could change in a
near future to use more strict rules. For example, it could be a manual
check to accept only lists.rivendellaudio.org users.

We studied wiki engine migrations (by using dokuwiki for example). But
there are no automatic tool to fill a new dokuwiki from the current
mediawiki. A complete "rewriting" (a lot of copy/pastes too) will be
necessary and require a lot of time. But we're available to study
evolutions on this important tool for the Rivendell community.

Alban Peignier - al...@tryphon.eu

Tryphon : Radio, Web et Logiciels Libres
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