
Just a suggestion, you might want to consider using the rrabuntu install for 
the OS and then installing the 2.1.2
packages from Alban.  See the followign post:


You already know that Ubuntu 10.04 (the version which RRABuntu is built on) 
supports your hardware, so that takes the
hardware woes out of the equation.

Note - i havn't actually done testing on Alban's packages since I've compiled 
Rivendell 2.1.2 from source, however I
suspect they'll work for you.

Alternatively you could compile Rivendell 2.1.2 on the RRABuntu install.  It'll 
take a little more work and potentially
a little more learning (there are a few articles on the Wiki on how to do 
this).  But you already know that RRABuntu
supports your hardware properly, so if you compiled from source you'd have the 
latest.  This is what I've done -
compiled from source for both Ubuntu 10.04 and 8.04 (yes - I have some boxes 
with 8.04 installed) and while it took me a
bit to figure it all out, I managed to make it all work.

As for the question about the server - if you're not running any of the 
Rivendell applications on your server (if it is
just for MySQL and /var/snd storage) then no - you don't need the full 
Rivendell installed.  As far as I understand it
shouldn't need Apache either (assuming you're running Apache on one of your 
client workstations), although it does not
hurt to have Apache installed.

On the other hand, if you do install the full Rivendell package on your server 
and you have a sound card, then the
server itself can act as a backup workstation / playout unit should you need it.

> OK... Laboring under a delusion here. I was thinking that the v1.13
> RRAbuntu was 2.1.2. I just got an eMail from Geoff Barkman and it turns out
> that the System Info comment is correct! RRAbuntu is NOT Rivendell 2.1.2!
> Now I really need to get the ethernet drivers in Broadcast Appliance
> working  and do something about the display drivers to support the Intel
> Motherboard that's in our server.
> 4 days out of my life I'll never get back. <sigh>
> Bill
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Bill Putney <bi...@wwpc.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for the reminder. That got me in but things are still broken. :(
> >
> > Bill
> >
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:21 PM, <ltynd...@cogeco.ca> wrote:
> >
> >> I could be remembering incorrectly, but I think that the root MySQL
> >> password on RRABuntu was set to be "rivendell"
> >> unless you changed it.
> >>
> >> I can't recall if it was capitalized, so try:
> >>
> >> Rivendell
> >> and
> >> rivendell
> >>
> >> See if it works.
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